Review about my first time jet-skiing

Jet-ski review

I’m gonna be taking about when I did Jet-ski and my experience with it.

When I did Jet-Ski in St.George for my first time it was a really fun moment!! But it was really scary because St.George has lakes so if you fall into the water you won’t get bitten by a shark or any animal water. But this one time I was with my 2 sisters and my oldest sister was the one driving and she went on FFUUULLLLL speed!!!! And this one BIGGG wave hit us really hard and we tripped really hard and the Jet-Ski was kinda going away and we were really scared because the Jet-ski could had still fall and tripped with the waves. My sisters and I weren’t scared for ourselves we were scared because if the Jet-ski tripped it could had drown and we would had have to pay and it would have been A LOTTT!!!! of money just for one Jet-ski. But my sisters and I were on our way for the jet-Ski and we were able to get it, and nothing bad happened to it!. After everything we got back on it and we started going on slow speed and then FASSTTT speed but the good thing is that we din’t trip again!.





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