How to make some yummy chicken tenders at home!

I make this type of chicken tenders at home and there SSOOO good!!! and I would love if you tried this!.


Main  Ingredients:

  1. Chicken strips
  2. Garlic powder
  3. Salt
  4. Pepper
  5. Onion powder
  6. Paprika
  7. Flour
  8. Oregano
  9. Egg
  10. Oil

Okay! After you have those ingredients you will need to wash your little chicken strips! After that you will need to dry them up with a paper towel to make sure you can have them clean. After all of that you will need to add some seasoning of course! You need good seasoning so you can have a yummy food!! Anyways you will add your salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, and oregano. After adding that you will mix all of the seasoning to your chicken strips. Then you will let that sit all together in a bowl while you get the flour ready! To get the flour ready you will need to add the same seasoning which are: Paprika, oregano, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, and pepper, after that you will mix the flour so al the flour has all the yummy seasoning. After that you will need to crack an egg into another bowl and whisk it and DON’T ADD ANYTHING TO IT!!! leave the egg by its self. Then after having all of that ready you will grab your chicken trips with all the seasoning in it and then you will grab each little peace of chicken strip and then put it in the flour and then flip it 3 times (basically trying to get all the flour with all the seasoning on it) Then after putting it on the flour you will put it on the egg and flip it 2 times (get the egg on the chicken). After that you will repeat the same process at least 3 more times which is putting the chicken on the flour and then flip it over and over then after that  put it on the egg and flip it twice!. After all of that you will need a pan where you can put oil on it and let it heat for a little so then the oil can be hot and ready!!. After having the hot oil ready on the pan you will grab the chicken strips and put them in the oil MEDIUM temperature!!! and you will flip it over each 3 minutes with the fire at MEDIUM!! You will know when they are when they look really yummy and brownish like a cute tan color of a NOT burned chicken!!. You will need t leave the chicken inside the oil for at least 10 minutes! You don’t want burned chicken!. After all of that you will get it out the chicken and put it on a paper towel to dry out the oil and then THERE YOU GOOO!!!  YUMMY CHICKEN IS READY!! Then now you can enjoy your delicious food and ALSO DON’T BURN YOURSELF!!

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